How To Research Topics for Your Blog’s Content Plan

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You have been working on your blog for a while, and it happens, the thing that all writers fear and dread: Topics for your blog!

Even after racking your brain for inspiration, you just can’t seem to come up with anything new to write about! It’s not just you; coming up with new ideas consistently is easily one of the hardest tasks for any content creator. How do you constantly come up with appealing content that will keep your audience engaged and asking for more?

No worries, friend, because here is a list of simple ways to come up with creative, topics post ideas that you can put into practice today, no matter your niche

1. Keyword Research Tools

Using keywords in your blog posts means you will be writing content that people are actually searching for on search engines such as Google or Pinterest. 

Using keywords makes your blog post more likely to appear higher up in the search results and, thus, more likely to be seen and clicked on by new potential audience members.

Keyword Research Tools are an excellent resource that tells you exactly what people are searching for so you don’t just have to guess. In addition to getting some great ideas for your blog post topics, you’ll also be getting ideas that should generate traffic to your site. 

WordStream, Google Trends, or Ahrefs Keyword Generator are a few free options that are worth checking out, but there are many different options, so look around and find one that works for you. 

2. Google Questions Box

Whenever you search for something on Google, after the first few links you’ll likely see a helpful little box titled “People also ask” followed by a list of questions related to your search query. 

This is another great place to find ideas for blog topics. 

Just type in a big topic or product in your niche, or even a blog idea you’ve used in the past, and see what other questions people are asking related to this same topic. 

Basically, if Google says that these are the questions that people are asking then you want to be the one to answer them!   

3. Answer The Public

If you’ve never heard of Answer the Public, this website will be an excellent resource for you when coming up with blog ideas, and it’s probably the easiest method on this list

Simply go to the website, type in your niche or product and it will automatically come up with hundreds of questions that real people are asking about that topic. 

It will give you tons of recommendations based on what people are searching for, just choose the one you like and start writing your blog topics.

4. Competitor Websites

To find content topic ideas in competitive niches all you have to do is spy on your competitors. They most probably already did the hard work and you can take advantage of that

 Examine their website in detail, especially their blog. Look at the topics they cover in their articles or YouTube channels and use any of the above methods to find similar ideas you can also target.

Your goal is not to replicate their publishing schedule as is, but to use it as your main source to find ideas that are relevant to your website and users.

5. YouTube Search

Did you know that YouTube is the second most popular search engine?

Because of the nature of YouTube, people tend to ignore it when it comes to content research but it can give you a lot of useful insights into what topics people are interested in.

The process is similar to Google Search (step 1). Go to YouTube and start typing different terms in the search box and notice the suggested topics.

Analyze the videos that appear in the top positions in terms of how popular they are (views) and what topics they are targeting.

Topics you identify on YouTube can be great topics for articles as well so do this process even if you’re not publishing video content.

6. Online Courses

Popular online course platforms to continue your content topic research are:

  • Udemy
  • LinkedIn Learning
  • Coursera
  • SkillShare

Concentrate on best-selling courses and on courses that were recently updated. It is more likely that their topics may have changed due to user feedback.

More Exciting Things Coming Soon – Stay Tuned


There you have it, it is a simple way to save your time searching for a blog topic.

Everyone gets stuck at some point in his or her blogging career.

The trick isn’t to avoid getting stuck but to find a way to get over it and not let it stop you.

So go on, take the first step.

Start with the first way and make a list of all the topics you discover.

You’ll be surprised how quickly you fill up your editorial calendar with fabulous topics.

If you need help with launching your blog or you feel overwhelmed with what to do when it comes to blogging, I recommend you to check out these two blogging resources that might help you launch a successful blog in 2022 and make a full-time income from what you love.

Exclusive access to new experts every month designed to potentially bring you thousands of dollars in results…
All for just $22.50* a month. 

2 responses to “How To Research Topics for Your Blog’s Content Plan”

  1. I didn’t know about Answer the public, so this was really useful. Thank you. 🙂


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